Saturday 15 September 2018

HVAC coil coatings

To date, more businesses in the industrial sector are adopting data-driven energy solutions into their everyday operations. Known as energy management systems (EMS), this technology aids executives in their energy decision-making by providing real-time data regarding energy consumption. A report from Allied Market Research found the total market for global energy management systems will be greater than $44 billion by 2020.

It's not just the U.S. spearheading the movement toward EMS implementation, as Europe is injecting greater financial resources into more widespread adoption of these systems across the continent. And with more government subsidies, business owners are likely to catch on at a much faster rate, taking advantage of tax breaks and incentives to construct greener buildings and more closely monitor HVAC performance.

The report indicated the largest obstacle toward greater use of EMS is fear of switching to a new technology. Companies are inherently hesitant to make dramatic changes to their current energy structures because of the high costs of doing so. Getting the commercial and industrial sector beyond this point of reticence will expand the global EMS market further and help lead to a large-scale overhaul of the world's total energy consumption.

"Most of the potential buyers of energy management systems are at a stage where they are aware of the benefits of implementing such a system, but prefer to use traditional technology and applications, primarily due to high switching costs," the report overview stated. "Financial barriers, limited expertise and fragmented stakeholders are some of the key challenges for the energy management system market."

Improving efficiency

Because it is difficult to track the performance of buildings and make informed decisions, businesses often times just make small repairs to HVAC systems along the way. However, the true sources of inefficiency within the unit are never located, which limits just how effective energy-savings programs can be. But with EMS, building managers can identify exactly how well an HVAC unit is performing and where any problems may lie. As a result, companies can save money and reduce energy costs considerably.

Multinational conglomerate Honeywell noted EMS combine process optimizations and advanced controls to report up-to-date information. For instance, a building manager will be able to locate areas where there is room for greater heat recovery and fine-tune energy targets in real time.
This approach can go a long way toward lowering carbon emissions and minimizing environmental impact. With entire industries and nations on board, EMS can have an enormous impact.

Increased adoption

Though some companies are not yet at the point to fully jump into EMS, other industries are expected to do so in the near future, the report indicated. Healthcare facilities, data centers and a variety of commercial buildings are projected to make up the bulk of EMS growth in the next five years.
When combined with the newest models of HVAC coils, EMS can alter the entire energy performance capabilities of businesses. Starting with the HVAC system, it's important for business owners to recognize the significance and financial impact of installing the latest technology and equipment.

For instance, the use of HVAC coil coatings extend the life span of coils and work in tandem with EMS to promote greater energy efficiency. When sensors locate a leak of poor performing HVAC coil, technicians can remove the coil and replace it with a higher performing model coated with superhydrophobic polyurethane. Utilizing the benefits of both hands-on engineering expertise and software advancements can aid companies in their pursuit of sustainability.
Rahn Industries has a full lineup of spray and immersion (dip)/ Bake protective coatings to meet your needs.

Whittier, CA Facility

2630 Pacific Park Drive,

Whittier, CA 90601

(562) 908-0680

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