Friday 11 January 2019

commercial landscaping maintenance

Francis Rose provides a full range of Landscaping Services, including decking, patios, stonework, driveways and more. If you are interested in any of our Commercial landscaping maintenance services, please contact us our online website or call at 01908 474931.

When you don't have a large outdoor space to maintain, it becomes difficult to decide if you should choose a commercial landscape maintenance service. You might decide to do it on your own, or perhaps hire a relatively smaller company, specializing in services for business. However, there are drawbacks in both cases. There may be hidden fees in the first case. You might face the inability to do things in time and the lack of knowledge on the subject could harm you and your business, in the second case. If you own a business, consider the following points when looking for a commercial landscape maintenance service:

1. When your business requires the maintenance of over half-acre of outdoor space, residential contractors, which generally focus in taking care of home lawns, might not be your best choice. Such contractors can't be expected to have the experience and equipment needed for taking care of an expansive landscape, such as yours.

2. You surely want to limit your landscaping expenses. When you are in a commercial area and you hire the services of a landscaping contractor specialized in residential projects, he is going to charge you extra as he will be moving out of his usual areas and he will be spending additional time for accessing your landscape. Moreover, he might need some additional equipment, all this adding to his (and yours) expense. Alternatively, when hiring the services of a commercial contractor, he might already be having other contracts in that area, enabling him to offer you a very competitive price. It will be a good idea to inquire who is providing such services to your neighbors, in order to obtain a good deal.

3. You probably have clients visiting your premises often. So, it's imperative to have a nice-looking place all the time, and that is possible through an adequate and regular landscape maintenance. You wouldn't want a visitor to sue you for getting hurt by tripping over a tree trunk or root. Commercial contractors are prepared to prevent such accidents from taking place by installing red flags around your property. Moreover, such contractors have adequate insurance cover for any eventualities. Make sure to question your prospective contractor on this issue. Your customer could get hurt due to any inappropriate handling of the equipment being used by the workers of your chosen contractor.

4. It is not nice to have clients commenting on the untamed landscape in your business location. You might have overlooked certain aspects, but if a customer points it out to you, it is time for you to act. The space surrounding your building should always look well-pruned and taken care of. If need be, you should not hesitate to look for an alternate provider of

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