Wednesday 29 May 2019

smoke accessories

Hemp seeds (often called hemp hearts) are no revelation to humans, as we have been using them, along with other hemp products, for thousands of years, either as a component in bird seed mix, as fishing bait, or to manufacture durable fabric. Unfortunately, we have yet to explore the full nutritional potential of these remarkable products, which have sometimes been named the most nutritionally complete food in the world.
These seeds, obtained from plants in the Cannabis genus (thankfully, oilseed and fiber varieties of the Cannabis plants that are approved for industrial hemp production yield insignificant amounts of psychoactive substances, insufficient for any sort of physical or psychological effects), contain all of the essential amino acids and most essential fatty acids necessary to human beings for health. This means that they are a reliable plant source of complete protein and unsaturated, healthy fats.
About 40% of the seed’s weight constitutes omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and 33% of it is made up of protein, surpassed only by soy, which contains 35% protein. However, the protein found in hemp seeds is easier to digest and more readily absorbed. They are also a wonderful source of dietary fiber (which helps create the bulk of the stool and provides the feeling of satiation), along with calcium, iron, helpful trace elements and electrolytes. It is also considered to be one of the safest foods to eat, as it is gluten-free, and can be eaten by people with any other food intolerance (such as lactose, sugar or gluten), while there are no known allergies to it.

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