Monday 4 December 2017

Air Cooled Condenser

Air Cooled Condenser Direct air cooled condensers are available in 5 to 50 ton models with custom design up to 100 tons available. Rahn remote condensers offer the design flexibility required in replacement, renovation, and new construction.
There is an important need for regular maintenance of some refrigeration components, especially the cleaning of the air-cooled condenser. Failure to keep the condenser clean will result in abnormal operating temperatures and system pressure resulting in compressor failure and extremely high service repair costs which can be avoided with preventative maintenance checks. For a refrigerator, it is important to keep the condenser clean, just as it is important to keep the water level up in the radiator of a car. Most manufacturers recommend at regular intervals, not exceeding six months, and more frequently in dusty areas, bakeries, fish and chip shops, commercial kitchens etc. to remove the grill that is placed in front of the condenser- the condenser being a metal finished assembly having a copper tube running through the fins, and similar in appearance to the car radiator. Ensure that there is adequate fresh air flow into the condenser and the hot exhaust air can escape freely without recirculation. Dust usually forms a coating over the condenser, which may be removed by brushing or vacuum cleaner. Sometimes this dust collects within the fins and must be removed. If using a brush always brush parallel to the aluminum fins and never across as this will bend the thin aluminum material and reduce air flow through the condenser. If the condenser is blocked with oil you will need to switch the system off and use a suitable degreaser for cleaning. This can be a very messy procedure but must be done thoroughly in order to maximize system performance and extend the useful life of the compressor.
Air Cooled Condenser
Direct air cooled condensers are available in 5 to 50 ton models with custom design up to 100 tons available. Rahn remote condensers offer the design flexibility required in replacement, renovation, and new construction.

There is an important need for regular maintenance of some refrigeration components, especially the cleaning of the air-cooled condenser. Failure to keep the condenser clean wil result in abnormal operating temperatures and system pressure resulting in compressor failure and extremely high service repair costs which can be avoided with preventative maintenance checks.

For a refrigerator, it is important to keep the condenser clean, just as it is important to keep the water level up in the radiator of a car. Most manufacturers recommend at regular intervals, not exceeding six months, and more frequently in dusty areas, bakeries, fish and chip shops, commercial kitchens etc. to remove the grill that is placed in front of the condenser- the condenser being a metal finished assembly having a copper tube running through the fins, and similar in appearance to the car radiator. Ensure that there is adequate fresh air flow into the condenser and the hot exhaust air can escape freely without recirculation.
Dust usually forms a coating over the condenser, which may be removed by brushing or vacuum cleaner. Sometimes this dust collects within the fins and must be removed. If using a brush always brush parallel to the aluminum fins and never across as this will bend the thin aluminum material and reduce air flow through the condenser. If the condenser is blocked with oil you will need to switch the system off and use a suitable degreaser for cleaning. This can be a very messy procedure but must be done thoroughly in order to maximize system performance and extend the useful life of the compressor.

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