Tuesday 5 December 2017

What are the natural ways to increase fertility, really, how do you go about it?

The word fertility is defined as the ability to conceive young, or be induced to conceive young, a definition which is both simple and also incredibly complex. Implicit in that definition is the fact that the female will be able to carry a child to full term.

However, for many women who are unable to conceive, the first part of the equation - the ability to conceive would be a joy in itself. No woman can know whether or not she can carry a child to full term until she is actually pregnant!

The ability to conceive depends on many factors the reproductive system must be working perfectly and this involves many facets the ovaries the uterus and the vagina amongst others. Also the endocrinal system has to be in good working order. If your body is not producing the correct hormones at the correct time then it will be very difficult to conceive naturally.

The first step to increasing fertility naturally for some women is to check the mechanics of their reproductive system and their endocrinal system first. For others, they prefer to take steps to ensure that they are at the peak of their physical condition to maximize the chances of conceiving a child and then carrying a child to full term.

There is often a surgical assistance or the use of drugs to help a woman get pregnant, but most women tend to start with the natural route to assist conception unless of course there is some compelling reason not to, such as advanced maternal age.

Eating a healthy diet is a good place to start for both you and your partner. We are what we eat and eating a diet rich in antioxidants minerals and vitamins optimizes your chance of conception. Statistically, infertility is caused by one third of men having something wrong with them and one third of women and the other thirds have a cause which cannot be determined.

A diet rich in all the nutrients that we need is one rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. Women who are overweight or underweight may have difficulty conceiving so the firsts step is to look at your overall health and what you eat. It can take months of tests to establish a cause for fertility and in that time it will benefit both of you if you are as healthy as possible, because that is the most natural way to increase your fertility.

To Increase Fertility Naturally, you will drastically boost your odds of conception and increase your chances to get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies.

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