Monday 19 February 2018

pheromones to attract women

A pheromone is a chemical that mammals produce which change the behavior of other mammals of the same species. Pheromones are natural and behavior-altering. Many people associate pheromones with sexual behavior, but pheromones can do a lot more than affect someone's sexual desires.

Pheromones are ectohormones, which means they act outside the body. They differ from most other hormones because of this factor. Pheromones affect other individuals, not the person who is secreting them.

Unlike insects, Pheromonal odors in mammals don't have to be smelled to be received. One can still feel influenced by pheromones without being attracted by any scent whatsoever. Closeness is the key factor in whether or not someone will be affected by pheromones. For example, pheromones are present in our sweat. They begin to affect those around us when they are released into the air.

Natural pheromones can be secreted to trigger various types of behaviors, including respect, bonding, sexual arousal, fear and panic. Mammals detect pheromones through an organ in the nose called the VNO (Vomeronasal Organ), which connects to the hypothalamus in the brain. Pheromones are also present in insects, solely for communication and mating.

What pheromones are and what they can do

Many people are very misinformed about pheromones and immediately affiliate pheromones with just animals, and that's not accurate. Yes, animals do secrete pheromones, and they use them to communicate and protect their young from predators. However, pheromones are just as common in humans as they are in animals. Humans can do a lot more with pheromones than animals can, because we understand what they do, and we can use them to our advantage more so than animals can.

The general consensus about pheromones is that they can trigger sexual behaviors and can make one appear more attractive to someone of the opposite sex. People think that pheromones are something that will help them find a mate. While that might be in the cards for you, there are other things in store. Pheromones can heighten your sexual encounters, but they can also affect your day-to-day interactions with those around you. Pheromones can do much more than you may be aware of, and can have power over many emotional and physical aspects of human life.

Pheromones are more than just chemicals. They are literally scents that we can't smell. Though we can’t smell them, we act upon them. One can become completely inebriated by the natural smell of another, and most of the time we confuse scent with attraction. That guy you hooked up with last Friday night after you met him at the bar ended up at your apartment because you were naturally attracted to his scent, not because of his nice eyes. Both males and females succumb to the scent of desire without even realizing it.

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