Saturday 24 February 2018

Resolve Income Tax Disputes

NCS Tax Resolution Services can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf.


Your income tax return has been audited by the IRS and is being disputed due to your math error, a disallowed deduction or discovered taxable income.
You failed to file and income tax return and the IRS is estimating taxes.
You owe more taxes or will be issued a smaller refund than originally expected.
Penalties may be in process and interest may be accruing.
Delaying your response to a dispute can cause penalties and add interest to what you already owe.
The appeals process is long and complex and you are unsure what to do next.


A calculated and timely response can strengthen your position
Legal arguments can be made as to why you do not owe additional taxes
Delayed income tax returns can be prepared and filed
Quick settlement of final assessments can prevent penalties and interest.

The process is simple.

We discuss your unique needs with you in person or over the phone
We contact the IRS or state agency directly and investigate their position
We argue for the minimum legal tax amount  on your behalf, avoid penalties and interest and navigate the appeals process to the best possible resolution.

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