Friday 29 March 2019

Useful Hints and Tips on Lawn Mowing and Grass Cutting

At Francisrose Garden
maintenance Milton Keynes
 landscape garden designer offering specialist
services in Garden design consultation, Garden fencing, Local Gardner, Lawn
Maintenance, Tree; Shrub Pruning, Hedge Cutting, Grass Cutting near Milton
Keynes. For more detail please visit our online website.
You do have a small garden patch overlooking your house which has to be well kept. The lawn has to be manicured and well maintained on regular basis making it look good most of the time.
If you wish to have green lawn, you would be required to take extra care and efforts in order to maintain it in impeccable condition. These efforts mainly include lawn mowing, lawn cutting and grass cutting.
There are a few general tips which you need to follow when you undertake lawn trimming activity. Ideally a good looking lawn requires the grass blade height to be at least 2″. In case you cut it too short your lawn could give a bare look of sorts. You could always invest in a lawn mower and get the lawn trimming activity finished in less time comparatively.
By cutting the grass extremely short, the growth of the lawn will be restricted to a great extent as grass itself provides the required food for it to grow. This could be borne in mind at all times especially the winter months.
Before you set the lawn mover blade to trim the grass, ensure set it to cut a third of the blade else you will be simply pulling the grass blade out of the ground. By maintaining this grass length, you are taking due care to fix the nitrogen in the soil which ensures your grass grows really well.
The cut grass acts as a water retention agent and fertilizes the soil through its decomposition the soil gets the much required nourishment. This will make your lawn look lush and green all round the year.
If the quantity of the grass is less, it is better to leave it on the site allowing it to decompose. In case, the grass quantity is more you could always dig a pit and leave it for making compost which again is an organic fertilizer.
This could be a few general guidelines which will help you in maintaining a well manicured and maintained lawn. The entire lawn mowing and grass cutting can be always undertaken by you provided you have enough energy and time to devote towards your lawn.
In case you do not have time to maintain it, you could always call for professional garden maintenance people who undertake the same for you. There are many garden maintenance websites which offer varied services to you ranging from lawn mowing, grass cutting, hedge cutting and general garden service at extremely affordable prices. You could check them out by corresponding with them over email or a telephone or even through referrals if you really wish to ascertain the type and quality of services they offer .

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