Tuesday 14 November 2017

Natural cycle Infertility Information

Many people beginning the Fertility Journey, are usually begin with having intrauterine insemination or IUI. So what can you do to increase your chances of success with IUI? I have compiled a list of things that may help. Remember these are just suggestions, old wives tells and things that have been found to work, they may or may not work for you.

1. Abstain From Ejaculation To Increase Sperm Count

Fertility experts advise men to abstain from sexual intercourse and masturbation for about 3 days before donating their sperm sample. This simple tip will increase the sperm count in the sample and this in turn will drastically improve the chances of a successful IUI procedure.

2. Have Sex After An IUI Procedure

It may seem redundant to have sex after an IUI procedure, but studies show that this can marginally improve the IUI success rate. Scientists believe that the natural chemicals and hormones that are released during sex increases the chances of conception. However, fertility specialists also caution couples to abstain from sex for a day, at least if the woman has experienced any bleeding during the IUI process. Check with your physician before you decide to take this step.

3. Eat Healthy Follow A Healthy Diet

Eat a balance healthy diet in the months leading up to the IUI. If you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) reduce your carbohydrates and increase your protein. There is no specific diet that will increase IVF success rates but a healthy and balanced diet can positively affect IVF treatment. Avoid packaged foods as far as possible and have whole foods instead. Reduce your intake of white-flour products, especially pastries and cakes as these products contain refined flour, trans fats, and high amounts of sugar – all of which are detrimental to fertility and to overall health. Make sure that you have adequate protein – especially from lean meats, dairy products, and sprouts as studies show that protein deficiency affects reproductive health.

4. Continue moderate exercise.
Don’t necessarily train like you are getting ready for a marathon, but move your body regularly. While light exercise is good, moderate to strenuous exercise reduces fertility levels, which is why fertility experts often advise women to take it easy while they are undergoing IVF treatments. Women who are used to strenuous workouts will have to cut back drastically, as studies show that increased physical activity is linked to decreased rates of conception. Women who exercise for 4 hours or more per week for a period of 1-9 years are 40% less likely to have a live birth as compared to healthy women who do not exercise. Women who exercise that much are also twice as likely to have an implantation failure or pregnancy loss as compared to women who do not exercise. When you are undergoing IVF treatments, you should swap your cardio workouts for lower-intensity options such as walking, swimming or yoga.


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