Wednesday 21 March 2018

Cooling With Evaporation?

Here is some learning that you can do about air conditioners, if you already do not know about it. You may wonder how the process of evaporation can cool an AC; what are those cooling coils; how is it different from evaporator coil; and more questions. Read on and quench your thirst.

Often the term cooling coil is used interchangeably with evaporator coil. Cooling coils are common in almost all air conditioners. You will see these coils in air-handling systems too. However, they are not similar to the coils you see in the air conditioner that you have. They are called evaporator coils that work with chilled water. So these are different from cooling coils.

Now, it may not be appropriate to call these coils cooling coils. Ideally, they should be called evaporator coils, because the refrigerant liquid that these coils contain will evaporate and turn gaseous.

An air conditioner functions by causing liquid to absorb heat, which turn in to gas. That heat then becomes the refrigerant. In this process the heat is transferred from one point to another in the system


You will find the evaporator coils being actively working as part of the refrigeration system's low-pressure system.

When the evaporator blower alone is running while the air conditioner is not, it can lead to a tube bursting. This can be an expensive happening. Avoid such a thing from happening.

The reason for a possible tube burst is that the heat, which builds up in the tubes will have no escape route when the AC is turned off. As a result, the pressure in the tubes builds up leading to the tubes rupturing. This is a problem to guard against.

So, you have a fair idea about the difference between the evaporator and cooling coils, and how they work. With this awareness, you can take precautions not to face problems in this regard. You need to ensure that both the air conditioner and the evaporator run simultaneously for the reason explained above. Have your AC checked periodically to be sure that it functions safely.

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