Tuesday 13 March 2018

Pheromones For Women - How to Draw Men Closer

Attracting the attention of men is something that many women crave, at least to some extent. Not all women are looking to draw in a crowd of men to follow her around 24/7. There are some who wish to find a few romances and there are others who just wish to be noticed a bit more. Even a steady supply of nods, smiles, winks, and compliments can be mood-enhancing. Some synthetic pheromones for women are produced in this day and age, making it possible for any women to get fantastic results in the area of attracting men.

Two pheromones produced solely by women are copulins and estratetraenol. There are a couple of additional pheromones used in fragrances for women and these are androstenol and androstenone. These latter two are produced by both men and women, but affect the opposite sex. Drawing men closer is easy to do when wearing fragrances rich in these pheromones. When two or more are combined, women attract men more often than with just a single pheromone. Fragrances with pheromones for women to be more attractive to men are plentiful.

Copulins are what women produce to increase the amount of testosterone a man is making. When there is an increase in testosterone, there is a heightened sex-drive. Throwing estratetraenol into the mix causes men to have an elevated mood. There's nothing better than a man whose sex-drive has just been enhanced and who is feeling very good as well.

As for androstenone and androstenol, these both are great additives to a fragrance for women. The androstenone was actually the first pheromone discovered and it increases the sexual vibe a man feels when a woman is wearing a fragrance containing androstenone. The reverse is true when a man is wearing this chemical. Women will flock to him.

With androstenol, there is a musky scent that is similar to the same one found in sandalwood, so this pheromone usually isn't worn alone. Most scents with this pheromone in it are a bit musky in odor as well, or have a very strong smell that is very unique. This pheromone is known for causing the opposite sex to become much friendlier than before and even more talkative. It is a great addition to add to fragrances containing any of the other pheromones as well.

These pheromone-enhanced fragrances usually aren't worn every day. Instead, they are used only when the wearer is heading out on the town or wishes to attract a lot of men. Many pheromones for women are too strong to wear on an everyday basis, due to the interference they cause with coworkers and customers. Thanks to science, women attract men whenever they wish to and no longer have to sit and wish for a man to come up and talk to them.


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